Conversation with Toad
Hey Toad, what's the 734 all about?
The breakdown of a prime number, or what?
Should be: Toad 7322.
and then:
You really don't want to know
what the 734 is about Owl,
it's much more low brow
than what you are thinking,
but does lend itself to my
evil godless ways.
My question:
Who knows what Toad's
talking about here?
The breakdown of a prime number, or what?
Should be: Toad 7322.
and then:
You really don't want to know
what the 734 is about Owl,
it's much more low brow
than what you are thinking,
but does lend itself to my
evil godless ways.
My question:
Who knows what Toad's
talking about here?
Toad told me one more thing, Skleeve, as follows:
"I'll give you a hint, It's actually missing a number."
Then trick jumps in and says, "You're going to hell, Toad." Them damn city boys, I tell ya.
I was born in 73 but that has nothing to do with it.
Think back to 5th grade.
I will leave another clue tomorrow.
The owls are not as the seem.
Ok the final clue:
The area code to the Ann Arbor area in Michigan is "734."
Michigan is known for its flat chested women and aggressive basketball teams.
That's my guess.
You guys are giving me way too much credit.
Good guess sarah but I am not from Michigan.
Put the clues together; 5th grade, the evil godless reference, missing number and boobless.
I have no idea, but I do want to say that the change in picture is quite appropriate. Bravo
I think I got it! The missing # is a 7.
If you put 55378008 in a calculater and turn it upside down, you get 'boobless.'
7734 read upside down is 'hell'.
Nice work!
I didn't want to make it that obvious. Then people would think I was 5.
Ok, here's the deal. I thought of that "hell" thing right away, but I was too stupid to see it right because I made a closed "4" like we have here on our computers so my upside down "word" read "bell."
I thought, "Why the hell would Toad say, 'bell'?" ...and just quit thinking about it.
Anyway, maybe it's time for Toad734 to learn the secrets of ...wait for it comes...funex?
There you go Toad 734,
That's the puzzle. Got it?
Sounds like a bunch of Russian made Vacuum tubes
or new PC operating systems
As with your puzzle, Toad, nothing is as it seems.
It's kind of like one of those magic pictures with all the dots. You have to look at it in a different way to get the picture. And when you do, the picture's always pretty corny. I will tell you that you don't have to turn anything upside down. But you do have to think like
a person who didn't grow up with people who talk like Tom Brokaw.
One more clue Toad. Remember where we're from and the ethnic background of many of those of us who live oot here in Sow Dakoota and Nor Dakoota and Minnesoota. (...and I'm not talkin' bout the Indians, Irish or English.)
Oh is this that Swedish breakfast thing?
That really doesn't make sense.
There are two Swedish pancake houses in my neighborhood.
Actually Pops, I have been sternly corrected by Trewthinalliam that the last one is oklfmnx.
Just to let your know
Ja, it's dat dam Norweigian breakfast ting Toad.
Vy don choo tink it makes no sense, Ole?
It's almost impossible to make those sounds into words, no matter the accent. Not to mention two Swedish people would ever try to order breakfast with bad english accents.
If two Sweeds are talking, why not just speak Swedish?
Dey are speekin' good english, ok, Toadsen.
Yust pronounce da letters vun at a time, dere, vile you tink off dat movie "Fargo."
F-U-N-E–M? = Eff –you-enn-ee-emm?' so fort.
Hey Toad, don' forget, some off us Sow Dakoota Norweegens don' know how to speak eider English or Norweegen, dere. It's like when Olga asks Lena if
her an' Ole haff mutual climax, and she sez, " No, vee yust got State Farm."
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