Friday, October 13, 2006

D did what?


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Who dod Chop eat? Not Bilbo Baggins I hope.

Fri Oct 13, 01:09:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

..twasn't Bilbo..twas a piriat me thinks but the photo made Spin laugh so hard and so joyously..of course Chop had to chuckle along...twas hes hed afwt alllll..........Happy 13th ye maties..

Fri Oct 13, 08:32:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

He ate the dread Pirate Roberts?

Sat Oct 14, 08:05:00 AM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said... Spin said today (quite twinkley eyed and passionate) that she wanted to blow this photo up, so the skull was actual human sized and of course, Chop would be well, huge. I asked her what she would do with it? She answered quite quickly, "It's ART!!! I'll sell it to New York, Paris, the
World, the Universe" (ok, so I added the last 3)

Wed Oct 18, 07:43:00 PM MDT  

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