Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Blogger Sarah said...


Thank you.

Tue Jun 14, 04:28:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

What's he drinking? It that the Holy Ale?

Tue Jun 14, 09:31:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

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Wed Jun 15, 04:28:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Toad734 said...

This looks a lot like an apartment building in Downtown Evanston, IL.

Evanston was founded by the Women’s Christian something or another and I do believe they played a big role in prohibition.

In other words, this works on so many levels.

Wed Jun 15, 11:00:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Yeah Toad, I agree. This Jesus Bush series is awesome!

Wed Jun 15, 02:09:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

Toad, The Building is actually a historic building here in our Down Town. It was built in 1928 and is home to our favorite downtown bar, Patty O’Neil’s Pub. We thought we would invite our good friend Georgy Peorgy to have a drink with us. He got HAMMERED, it was really quite embarrassing.

Wed Jun 15, 02:18:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

After careful inspection and much consideration, I have decided that Polyman is correct. That is a chain around Jesu Busho's heart, not the woven crown of thorn of the Sacred Heart Icon. In fact it's not "just" a chain, it's that dam Dick, Chain-ey!

Thu Jun 16, 10:02:00 AM MDT  

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