Wednesday, September 05, 2007

a nice quiz...

Found this today... its pretty fun, not sure i agree with the results...

give it a try....

What kind of thinker are you?


Blogger Spinfly said...

heres what i am... for some reason i got 3 -

You are a Spatial Thinker
Spatial thinker Spatial Thinkers:

* Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world.
* Think well in three dimensions
* Have a flair for working with objects

Like other spatial thinkers, Leonardo had a talent for designing buildings and machinery. He also invented a new style of map making Other Spatial Thinkers include
Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Careers which suit Spatial Thinkers include
Mechanic, Photographer, Artist, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Set designer

You are an Interpersonal Thinker
Interpersonal thinker Interpersonal thinkers:

* Like to think about other people, and try to understand them
* Recognise differences between individuals and appreciate that different people have different perspectives
* Make an effort to cultivate effective relationships with family, friends and colleagues

Like interpersonal thinkers, Leonardo had lots of friends and contacts, and was a popular figure at the Italian court. Other Interpersonal thinkers include
Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, William Shakespeare

Careers which suit Interpersonal thinkers include
Politician, Psychologist, Nurse, Counsellor, Teacher

You are a Naturalist Thinker
Naturalistic thinker Naturalist Thinkers:

* Like to understand the natural world, and the living beings that inhabit it
* have an aptitude for communicating with animals
* You try to understand patterns of life and natural forces

Like other Naturalist thinkers, Leonardo longed to spend time in the countryside. He spent hours watching birds to understand how they flew. Other Naturalist thinkers include
Charles Darwin, Jane Goodall, Johnny Morris, David Attenborough

Careers which suit Naturalist thinkers include
Biologist, Meteorologist, Forester, Farmer, Astronomer, Alternative therapist

Wed Sep 05, 09:58:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I am apparently two types of thinker...

Linguistic thinkers:
Tend to think in words, and like to use language to express complex ideas.
Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.
Other Linguistic Thinkers include
William Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath, Anne Frank

Careers which suit Linguistic thinkers include
Journalist, Librarian, Salesperson, Proof-reader, Translator, Poet, Lyricist


Kinaesthetic thinkers:
Think in movements.
Like to use their bodies in skilful and expressive ways
Have an aptitude for working with your hands
Other Kinaesthetic Thinkers include
Houdini, Rudolph Nureyev, David Beckham

Careers which suit Kinaesthetic Thinkers include
Sportsperson, Craftsperson, Surgeon, Actor, Dancer, Coach, Physiotherapist

A few points to ponder: Should I become a sportsperson? Am I like David Beckham because we're both trendsetting globe-trotters? Would I make a good librarian?

Thu Sep 06, 08:48:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

You are an Existential Thinker
Existential thinkers:
Like to spend time thinking about philosophical issues such as "What is the meaning of life?"
Try to see beyond the 'here and now', and understand deeper meanings
consider moral and ethical implications of problems as well as practical solutions
Like existential thinkers, Leonardo questioned man's role in the universe. Many of his paintings explored the relationship between man and God. Other Existential Thinkers include
The Buddha, Gandhi, Plato, Socrates, Martin Luther King

Careers which suit Existential Thinkers include
Philosopher, Religious leader, Head of state, Artist, Writer

Tue Sep 11, 04:56:00 PM MDT  

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