Sunday, January 29, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

So the Jester and I went to the 1pm matinee of "Brokeback Mountain" this afternoon.

The theater was packed. Average age was probably in the mid-50s. Anyway...

If you can go see this it. I was deeply and profoundly moved. I love going to movies, but rarely am I pulled in. It was an intense cathartic experience.

The movie was simple, yet beautiful...which is how I think of Western Wyoming, as well as the Black Hills. I can see why Ang Lee is getting every directing award. He managed to describe so many emotions: love, pain, hate, despair, lonliness, understanding, denial, kindness...the list goes on.

Anyway...I'm rambling. I love "Brokeback Mountain".

Sidenote: Who was your favorite character in the movie? Mine was Mrs. Twist...Jack's mother.

Sidenote II: That was very cheesy of me to end in such a manner.


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